
Rick Danheiser named the recipient of MIT’s 2021 Gordon Y. Billard Award

Categories: Awards, Faculty

The Gordon Y. Billard Award is given annually in recognition of special service of outstanding merit performed for the Institute.

A.C. Cope Professor and Chair of the MIT Faculty Rick Lane Danheiser has been named the recipient of MIT’s 2021 Gordon Y. Billard Award in recognition of his service of outstanding merit to the Institute. MIT President L. Rafael Reif presented Danheiser with this award at the 2021 MIT Awards Convocation on May 14, 2021.

This prestigious award is given annually to a member of the MIT Community who have made an impact beyond their regular job description, and have created important, lasting, and wide-ranging contributions – both broad in scope and/or significant in duration – to the MIT community. Winners are selected from a pool of exceptional nominees.

Danheiser has been a member of the Department of Chemistry faculty since 1978. In 2019, he was elected Chair of the MIT Faculty. Current investigations in the Danheiser Lab focus on the development of new synthetic methods and strategies, and their application in the total synthesis of natural products and biologically important compounds.