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Moungi Bawendi

Lester Wolfe Professor
The Bawendi Lab focuses on the science and applications of nanocrystals, especially semiconductor nanocrystal (aka quantum dots).
Professor Steve Buchwald smiles in front of a blue background.

Stephen Leffler Buchwald

Camille Dreyfus Professor
Research in the Buchwald Group combines elements of organic synthesis, physical organic chemistry and organometallic chemistry to devise catalytic processes of use in solving problems of fundamental importance.
Photo of Professor Jianshu Cao

Jianshu Cao

The Cao Group develops theoretical models for understanding the structure and dynamics of complex molecular systems.
Photo of Professor Sylvia Ceyer

Sylvia Teresse Ceyer

John C Sheehan Professor
The Ceyer group explores the atomic level dynamics of the interactions of molecules with surfaces of materials that serve as catalysts relevant to energy production and environmental sustainability or as templates for nanodevices.
Arup Chakraborty smiles in front of packed bookshelves.

Arup K. Chakraborty

John M. Deutch Institute Professor
The central focus of the Chakraborty Group is to understand the mechanistic underpinnings of the adaptive immune response to pathogens, and harness this understanding to help design better vaccines and therapies.

Christopher C. Cummins

Henry Dreyfus Professor
Research in the Cummins group is focused on developing new methods of inorganic synthesis to address a variety of interesting questions.
Photo of Professor Rick Danheiser

Rick Lane Danheiser

A C Cope Professor
Current investigations in our laboratory focus on the development of new synthetic methods and strategies, and their application in the total synthesis of natural products and biologically important compounds.
Image of Professor John Deutch

John M. Deutch

Emeritus Institute Professor
John Deutch has been a member of the MIT faculty since 1970, and has served as Chairman of the Department of Chemistry, Dean of Science and Provost.
Photo of Professor Mircea Dinca

Mircea Dincă

W. M. Keck Professor of Energy
The Dincă Lab is focused on addressing research challenges related to the storage and consumption of energy and global environmental concerns.
Catherine Drennan smiles in front of a wood paneled wall.

Catherine L. Drennan

John and Dorothy Wilson Professor
By combining X-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy and other biophysical methods, the goal of the Drennan lab is to “visualize” molecular processes by obtaining snapshots of enzymes in action.
Professor Masha Elkin smiles in her lab.

Masha Elkin

Assistant Professor
Research in the Elkin Group combines catalyst development, natural products synthesis, and machine learning to tackle important chemical challenges.
Photo of Professor John Essigmann

John M. Essigmann

Professor Post-Tenure
Research in the Essigmann Group focuses on how repair enzymes remove structural damage from DNA and on how the adducts that evade repair either kill cells or induce mutations and cancer.
Photo of Professor Robert Field

Robert W. Field

Haslam and Dewey Professor Emeritus
Tunable lasers, often two or three simultaneously, are used in Field's Current Research Group to investigate the structural and dynamical properties of small, gas phase molecules.
A woman with brown curly hair stands in front of a blank wall.

Danna Freedman

F.G. Keyes Professor
The Freedman Group applies the atomistic control inherent to synthetic chemistry to address fundamental questions in physics.
Robert Gilliard smiles in an outdoor setting.

Robert J. Gilliard, Jr.

Novartis Associate Professor
The Gilliard Lab is engaged in energy-relevant chemical synthesis at the interface of inorganic and organic chemistry that impacts the discovery of new chemical reagents and the design of redox-active and/or luminescent molecular materials.
Image of Professor Fred Greene

Frederick Greene

Emeritus Professor
Frederick Greene joined the Department of Chemistry faculty in 1953, and was appointed by then Department Head Arthur C. Cope.
A man smiles in front of a wooden wall.

Robert Guy Griffin

Arthur Amos Noyes Professor
A large fraction of the Griffin Group's research effort is devoted to the development of new magnetic resonance techniques to study molecular structure and dynamics
Professor Mei Hong smiles in her lab.

Mei Hong

David A. Leighty Professor
The Hong group develops and applies high-resolution solid-state NMR spectroscopy to elucidate the structure and dynamics of biological macromolecules, with an emphasis on membrane proteins.
Photo of Professor Barbara Imperiali

Barbara Imperiali

Class of 1922 Professor
Employing a multidisciplinary approach involving synthesis, state-of-the-art spectroscopy, molecular modeling, enzymology, and molecular biology to address fundamental problems at the interface of chemistry and biology.
Photo of Professor Tim Jamison

Timothy F. Jamison

Robert R. Taylor Professor Emeritus
The mission of the Jamison group is to accelerate chemical synthesis through new reactions and technologies, particularly through the use of continuous flow synthesis, nickel-catalysis and epoxide-opening cascades.
Professor Jeremiah Johnson smiles in a hallway.

Jeremiah A. Johnson

A. Thomas Guertin Professor
The Johnson laboratory seeks creative, macromolecular solutions to problems at the interface of chemistry, medicine, biology, and materials science.
Oleta Johnson smiles in front of a periodic table of elements.

Oleta Johnson

W.R. and D.L. Young C.D. Assistant Professor
The Johnson Laboratory uses chemical and biophysical tools to understand and tune the activity of molecular chaperone proteins in protein misfolding diseases.
Laura Kiessling smiles in front of a glass sculpture of the periodic table of elements.

Laura L Kiessling

Novartis Professor
The Kiessling Group uses chemical biology to elucidate the biological roles of carbohydrates, with a focus on learning new mechanistic concepts.
Image of Professor Alex Klibanov

Alexander M. Klibanov

Novartis Professor Emeritus
Enzymatic catalysis in nonaqueous solvents, enzymes as stereoselective catalysts in organic synthesis, novel microbicidal materials, and the stabilization and delivery of macromolecular pharmaceuticals.
Heather Kulik smiles in an outdoor setting.

Heather J. Kulik

The Kulik group leverages multi-scale modeling, electronic structure calculations, and machine learning for the discovery of new molecules and mechanisms in a range of materials from metal-organic frameworks to enzymes and organometallics.
Image of Professor Steve Lippard

Stephen J. Lippard

Arthur Amos Noyes Professor Emeritus
The focus of Professor Lippard's research is on the synthesis, reactions, physical and structural properties of metal complexes as models for the active sites of metalloproteins and as anti-cancer drugs.
A man smiles in front of a glass periodic table of elements sculpture.

Brett McGuire

Class of '43 C.D. Assistant Professor
Research in the McGuire Group uses the tools of physical chemistry, molecular spectroscopy, and observational astrophysics to understand how the chemical ingredients for life evolve with and help shape the formation of stars and planets.
Image of Professor Mohammad Movassaghi

Mohammad Movassaghi

Complex natural product synthesis in concert with discovery, development, and mechanistic study of new reactions for organic synthesis.
Image of Professor Keith Nelson

Keith Adam Nelson

Haslam and Dewey Professor
Our research is aimed at time-resolved optical study and control of condensed matter structural changes and the collective modes of motion through which they occur.
Image of Professor Liz Nolan

Elizabeth Marie Nolan

Ivan R. Cottrell Professor of Immunology
Our current research program is motivated by the global problems of infectious disease and antibiotic resistance.
A man smiles in front of a periodic table sculpture.

Sam Peng

Pfizer-Laubach C.D. Assistant Professor
The Peng Laboratory develops optical imaging techniques and nanoprobes to enable long-term single-molecule imaging in living systems and reveal molecular interactions that are responsible for human diseases.
Photo of Professor Bradley L. Pentelute.

Bradley L. Pentelute

The Pentelute Lab develops new protein modification chemistries, adapts nature's machines for efficient macromolecule delivery into cells, invents flow technologies for rapid biopolymer production, and discovers peptide binders to proteins.
Image of Professor Alex Radosevich

Alexander T. Radosevich

Research in the Radosevich group centers on the invention of new homogeneous catalysts and reagents based on inexpensive and earth-abundant elements of the p-block.
Ronald Raines smiles in his office.

Ronald T. Raines

Roger and Georges Firmenich Professor
Using techniques that range from synthetic chemistry to cell biology, the Raines group is illuminating in atomic detail both the chemical basis and the biological purpose for protein structure and protein function.
Yuriy Román smiles in front of a white board.

Yuriy Román

Professor of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
The focus of the Román Group's research lies at the interface of heterogeneous catalysis and materials design.
Image of Professor Gabriela Schlau-Cohen

Gabriela S. Schlau-Cohen

Haslam and Dewey Professor
Research in the Schlau-Cohen group is inherently multidisciplinary and combines tools from chemistry, optics, biology, and microscopy to develop new approaches to probe dynamics.
Image of Professor Richard Royce Schrock

Richard Royce Schrock

F G Keyes Professor Emeritus
Professor Schrock is interested broadly in synthetic and mechanistic organotransition metal and inorganic chemistry, catalysis, and polymers.
Photo of Professor Alex K Shalek

Alex K. Shalek

J. W. Kieckhefer Professor
The Shalek Lab creates and implements new approaches to elucidate cellular and molecular features that inform tissue-level function and dysfunction across the spectrum of human health and disease.
Yang Shao-Horn smiles outdoors with the Boston skyline behind her.

Yang Shao-Horn

JR East Professor
Professor Shao-Horn studies chemical/materials physics to improve kinetics at interfaces for energy storage and sustainable fuel applications.

Matthew D. Shoulders

Class of 1942 Professor
The Shoulders Laboratory (1) studies how cells fold proteins and (2) develops ​and applies next-generation protein engineering and directed evolution techniques to address biotechnology challenges.
Professor Susan Solomon smiles in front of a dark background.

Susan Solomon

Lee and Geraldine Martin Professor
The Solomon Group's current focus is on issues relating to both atmospheric chemistry and climate change.
Image of Professor Jeff Steinfeld

Jeffrey I. Steinfeld

Emeritus Professor
Professor Steinfeld's research interests evolved from focusing on obtaining kinetic data for physical and chemical systems using time-resolved spectroscopy, to ultimately studying gigaseconds and large, interconnected systems.
Photo of Professor JoAnne Stubbe

JoAnne Stubbe

Novartis Professor Emeritus
JoAnne Stubbe studies ribonucleotide reductases — essential enzymes that provide the building blocks for DNA replication, repair and successful targets of multiple clinical drugs.
Dan Suess smiles in his office.

Daniel L.M. Suess

Associate Professor
Our main objective is to understand the molecular chemistry that underlies global biogeochemical cycles, with the ultimate goal of deploying this knowledge to improve human health and positively impact the environment.
Image of Professor Yogesh Surendranath

Yogesh Surendranath

Donner Professor
The Surendranath Lab is focused on addressing global challenges in the areas of chemical catalysis, energy storage and utilization, and environmental stewardship.
Professor Tim Swager smiles in front of a map.

Timothy Manning Swager

John D. MacArthur Professor
Broadly focused on synthetic, supramolecular, analytical, and materials chemistry, the Swager Group is interested in a spectrum of topics with an emphasis on the synthesis and construction of functional assemblies.
Professor Steven Tannenbaum smiles in his office.

Steven R. Tannenbaum

Underwood-Prescott Professor Post-Tenure
For many years, the Tannenbaum lab has been interested in the formation, distribution, and metabolism of nitrate, nitrite, and N-nitroso compounds.

Troy Van Voorhis

Department Head, Haslam and Dewey Professor
The Van Voorhis Group is developing new methods – primarily based on density functional theory (DFT) – that provide an accurate description of excited electron motion in molecular systems.
Professor Xiao Wang smiles in a hallway.

Xiao Wang

Cabot Associate Professor
The Wang Group develops and applies new chemical and biophysical tools to better understand the molecular events in the brain.
Image of Professor Alison Wendlandt

Alison Wendlandt

Associate Professor
Research in the Wendlandt Group focuses on the development of selective, catalytic reactions using the tools of organic/organometallic synthesis and physical organic chemistry.
Image of Professor Adam Willard

Adam P. Willard

The Willard Group uses theory and simulation to explore the role of molecular fluctuation in a variety of chemical phenomena.
Image of Professor Bin Zhang

Bin Zhang

Associate Professor
The Zhang Lab aims to build a global framework of the human genome that connects its sequence with structure and activity, and to enable quantitative and predictive modeling of genome structure and function.