Fall 2020 Virtual Rotation Program Desk Rotation Form As part of the research group selection process, we offer an optional Desk Rotation Program for first-year graduate students. Each rotation will be 3 weeks and participating students will have a maximum of three placements. Please fill out the form below to indicate your choices for desk rotations (in order of preference). We have provided room for up to five but you are not required to select five choices. For students interested in ChemBio who are planning to register for 5.52 ONLY: If you are signing up for lab rotations as part of 5.52, please use this form. First Name * Last Name * I would like to participate in the optional Desk Rotation program. * Yes No Choice 1 * Bawendi GroupCao GroupCeyer GroupCummins GroupDinca GroupElkin GroupFreedman GroupGilliard GroupGriffin GroupHong GroupJ. Johnson GroupO. Johnson GroupKiessling GroupKulik GroupMcGuire GroupMovassaghi GroupNelson GroupNolan GroupPeng GroupPentelute GroupRadosevich GroupSchlau-Cohen GroupShalek GroupShoulders GroupSuess GroupSurendranath GroupSwager GroupVan Voorhis GroupWang GroupWendlandt GroupWillard GroupZhang Group Choice 2 * Bawendi GroupCao GroupCeyer GroupCummins GroupDinca GroupElkin GroupFreedman GroupGilliard GroupGriffin GroupHong GroupJ. Johnson GroupO. Johnson GroupKiessling GroupKulik GroupMcGuire GroupMovassaghi GroupNelson GroupNolan GroupPeng GroupPentelute GroupRadosevich GroupSchlau-Cohen GroupShalek GroupShoulders GroupSuess GroupSurendranath GroupSwager GroupVan Voorhis GroupWang GroupWendlandt GroupWillard GroupZhang Group Choice 3 * Bawendi GroupCao GroupCeyer GroupCummins GroupDinca GroupElkin GroupFreedman GroupGilliard GroupGriffin GroupHong GroupJ. Johnson GroupO. Johnson GroupKiessling GroupKulik GroupMcGuire GroupMovassaghi GroupNelson GroupNolan GroupPentelute GroupPeng GroupRadosevich GroupSchlau-Cohen GroupShalek GroupShoulders GroupSuess GroupSurendranath GroupSwager GroupVan Voorhis GroupWang GroupWendlandt GroupWillard GroupZhang Group Choice 4 Bawendi GroupCao GroupCeyer GroupCummins GroupDinca GroupElkin GroupFreedman GroupGilliard GroupGriffin GroupHong GroupJ. Johnson GroupO. Johnson GroupKulik GroupKiessling GroupMcGuire GroupMovassaghi GroupNelson GroupNolan GroupPeng GroupPentelute GroupRadosevich GroupSchlau-Cohen GroupShalek GroupShoulders GroupSuess GroupSurendranath GroupSwager GroupVan Voorhis GroupWang GroupWendlandt GroupWillard GroupZhang Group Choice 5 Bawendi GroupCao GroupCeyer GroupCummins GroupDinca GroupElkin GroupFreedman GroupGilliard GroupGriffin GroupHong GroupJ. Johnson GroupO. Johnson GroupKiessling GroupKulik GroupMcGuire GroupMovassaghi GroupNelson GroupNolan GroupPeng GroupPentelute GroupRadosevich GroupSchlau-Cohen GroupShalek GroupShoulders GroupSuess GroupSurendranath GroupSwager GroupVan Voorhis GroupWang GroupWendlandt GroupWillard GroupZhang Group Captcha Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.