Tigest Aboye, Peyton Meader, and Julie Chen Win 5.301 Crystal Growing Contest
Categories: Students
The three students took home prizes as the winners of the 5.301 Chemistry Laboratory Techniques Crystal Growing Contest.

Back (L-R): Joao Shida and Nicolas Matthey
Course 5 Majors Tigest Aboye, Peyton Meader, and Julie Chen were recently named the winners of the 2023 5.301 Crystal Growing Contest.
Winning submissions were large X-ray quality crystals greater than 5 mm in length. Crystals were grown using vapor diffusion and solvent layering techniques.
A tie for first place, Aboye and Meader each received $50 gift certificates to CAVA in Cambridge. Chen, the runner up, received a $25 gift certificate. Competition was fierce with 18 students participating!