Guadalupe Hayes-Mota is featured in the posters advertising the Lavender and Latinx graduation ceremonies.

Chemistry Alumnus Guadalupe Hayes-Mota to give Keynote Speech at Latinx and Lavender Graduations

Categories: Alumni, Awards, Events, MIT News

Hayes-Mota (SB '08) is the CEO of Healr Solutions, an MIT Senior Lecturer, and a Massachusetts Rare Disease Advisory Council Member.

Guadalupe Hayes-Mota (SB ’08, SM Engineering Systems ’16, MBA ’16), CEO of Healr Solutions, and MIT Senior Lecturer, will deliver the keynote addresses for the Institute’s Latinx and Lavender Graduations this spring.

The Latinx Graduation celebrates the achievements of underrepresented minority graduates and honor the sacrifices their families made to make attending MIT a possibility. This year’s event will be held on Friday, April 26 at 5:00PM ET at MIT’s Kirsch Auditorium.

The Lavender Graduation is an end-of-the-year celebration that recognizes distinguished graduates from the LBGTQ+ and ally community. This year’s event will be a hybrid celebration on Friday, May 3rd at 4:00PM ET.

“Being invited as the keynote speaker for the Latinx and Lavender graduations at MIT is profoundly meaningful to me,” said Hayes-Mota. “As an MIT alum and lecturer, it’s an honor to celebrate these milestones with students whose journeys resonate deeply with my own experiences. This opportunity allows me to reflect on our shared heritage and the strides we’ve made, and to inspire the next generation as they forge their own paths in the world.”

Hayes-Mota, who earned his SB from the MIT Department of Chemistry in 2008, is an advocate and leader in healthcare, biotechnology, and public service. Among his many accolades is the Margaret L. A MacVicar Award,  given in recognition of innovation, dedication and meaningful impact for the Alumni Association or the Institute. Last fall, he was named one of the PharmaVoice 100, a group of influential and devoted leaders lifting the pillars of the industry to new heights.



