Seven individuals smile facing the camera

2022 Bruker/MIT Symposium and Workshop: “Modulated Structures”

Categories: Events, Research

The 25th annual symposium will be an in-person event on February 26, 2022, with a workshop on software package Jana on February 27, 2022.

February 26-27, 2022

Registration now open

The Bruker/MIT Symposium is a small event with excellent scientific presentations and a great atmosphere, hosted by MIT’s Department of Chemistry and funded by Bruker-AXS, who is also generously sponsoring a poster prize. The 2022 event will be the 25th of its kind. The symposium will take place on Saturday, February 26th 2022 with a full-day workshop on software package Jana on Sunday, February 27.

This will be an in-person event.  All participants will need to provide proof of vaccination and must agree to adhere to MIT’s COVID-19 rules and protocols.

Participation is free of charge and is on a first-come-first-served basis. Register now.

Symposium, Saturday, 2/26/22

Current speakers:

  • Lukas Palatinus (Czech Academy of Sciences) is a pioneer of crystallographic computing, charge flipping, treatment of modulated structures, and electron diffraction, and one of the authors of software package Jana.
  • Daniel Fredrickson (University of Wisconsin in Madison), whose group in Madison works with materials that often form modulated structures.
  • Grigorii Skorupskii (Princeton) has battled several modulated structures while at MIT and emerged victorious from the fight.
  • Michael Ruf and Roger Durst (Bruker) will focus on how to deal with modulated crystals using the APEX4 software.

Full-day Jana Workshop, 2/27

Jana is the leading software for solution and refinement of modulated structures. This workshop aims at flattening the learning curve in order to make Jana accessible for more users, and is taught by Lukas Palatinus, who co-authored the software package; assisted by Daniel Fredrickson, one of the most experienced Jana users in the USA. Limited to 35 participants.


The event will be held at MIT. For information on specific locations and transportation, visit this page.


A symposium rate of $149 per night (plus taxes and fees) with the Meridian Hotel will be available until February 3rd 2022, through this dedicated page: Hotel Reservation

More information about this event can be found here:


General Info 
