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Photo of Professor Jianshu Cao

Jianshu Cao

The Cao Group develops theoretical models for understanding the structure and dynamics of complex molecular systems.
Professor Masha Elkin smiles in her lab.

Masha Elkin

Assistant Professor
Research in the Elkin Group combines catalyst development, natural products synthesis, and machine learning to tackle important chemical challenges.
Photo of Professor Tim Jamison

Timothy F. Jamison

Robert R. Taylor Professor
The mission of the Jamison group is to accelerate chemical synthesis through new reactions and technologies, particularly through the use of continuous flow synthesis, nickel-catalysis and epoxide-opening cascades.
Heather Kulik smiles in an outdoor setting.

Heather J. Kulik

Associate Professor
The Kulik group leverages multi-scale modeling, electronic structure calculations, and machine learning for the discovery of new molecules and mechanisms in a range of materials from metal-organic frameworks to enzymes and organometallics.

Troy Van Voorhis

Department Head, Haslam and Dewey Professor
The Van Voorhis Group is developing new methods – primarily based on density functional theory (DFT) – that provide an accurate description of excited electron motion in molecular systems.
Image of Professor Adam Willard

Adam P. Willard

The Willard Group uses theory and simulation to explore the role of molecular fluctuation in a variety of chemical phenomena.
Image of Professor Bin Zhang

Bin Zhang

Associate Professor
The Zhang Lab aims to build a global framework of the human genome that connects its sequence with structure and activity, and to enable quantitative and predictive modeling of genome structure and function.