Class of COVID-19: Peter Giunta

Peter is an Administrative Assistant in the Department of Chemistry.

Peter Giunta

Who are you quarantined with?
No one.

How have your days changed since physical/social distancing became the new normal?
I do a lot less running around, which I miss.

What do you miss most about the MIT Campus?
The people, and being surrounded by all that innovation.

What are you most looking forward to about the return to the “regularly scheduled program”?
Being back in my office with the familiar people and familiar surroundings.

What are some aspects of this moment in time that you are grateful for?
The city is a lot less crowded, and I have time to go shopping on my lunch break. Also worth noting: having an employer that allows us to work at home is something to be very grateful for.

What are some new or preexisting activities/hobbies/research ventures that you’ve taken on while being in quarantine?
Wearing a mask.

How have you been maintaining social connections while practicing social distancing?
Mostly telephone. 

What will you remember most about daily life during this global pandemic?
Working by typing on a flat keyboard on a laptop.