Undergraduate Teaching Assistants

Close to 2000 undergraduate students take Department of Chemistry classes during each academic year. Without the service of highly dedicated teaching assistants (TAs), who work with faculty as part of a teaching team, it would be difficult to achieve the high levels of instruction the department is known for.

In a typical lecture class TAs lead recitation sections, meeting with students for one to two hours beyond the three hours of weekly faculty lectures. Lab TAs assist students in conducting challenging laboratory experiments unique to the MIT chemistry curriculum. While TAs tend to be predominantly first-year chemistry graduates, qualified undergraduates are often hired to lead recitations.

Applications for undergraduate TA positions are accepted once a year, at the end of the Spring term. Undergraduates who are interested in TAing should view and sign the guidelines for undergraduate TAs. As TAing is a time-intensive duty, students should be positive that they are capable of fulfilling all of the job requirements before applying. All TAs must participate in a mandatory Teaching Workshop held each summer. This workshop is only offered once a year so any students interested in TAing for during a Spring term should plan accordingly.

**We do not anticipate having any Undergraduate TA slots for the 2024-2025 Academic Year and are not currently accepting applications. Please check back in Spring 2025 for plans for the 2025-2026 Academic Year.**

How to Apply

For more information contact:
Jennifer Weisman
Academic Administrator, Chemistry Education Office