Collaborate with MIT on Pi Day: The MIT 24-Hour Challenge
On March 14, 2018, the Department of Chemistry will partner with the MIT Annual Fund on this year's MIT 24-Hour Challenge.
On Wednesday, March 14 – Pi Day! – the Department of Chemistry will be partnering with the MIT Annual Fund and participating in the MIT 24-Hour Challenge. This day of spirited fundraising depends on social media users to spread the word to achieve the day’s ultimate goal: If 6,283 enthusiastic alumni and friends give to MIT on March 14, 2018, an anonymous challenger will give the Institute $314,159.
Chemistry has its own aspirations for the day – by partnering with the MIT Annual Fund on this event, the department hopes to raise the $125,000 necessary to outfit our new, soon-to-be-unveiled Chemistry Undergraduate Teaching Laboratories with an Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS Agilent 7900). Additionally, thanks to an anonymous donor, gifts made to the department this Pi Day will be matched dollar for dollar up to $25,000.
Please consider taking a moment and signing up to become an Ambassador for the Department of Chemistry. By sharing the Department of Chemistry’s Facebook and Twitter posts on or in advance of March 14 (or even generating some of your own and linking to our Partner page), you will play an invaluable role in helping us to achieve our fundraising goal. The Chemistry community – all staff, students, faculty, postdocs – are a huge asset to the department as a whole.
Help uphold MIT Chemistry’s spot at the top of its class – sign up to be an Ambassador today!