
The Department of Chemistry’s Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Program is administered by the Department EHS Committee. The committee is made up of faculty, graduate students, administrative staff, and the EHS Coordinator, Rick Kayser.

Steve Monstur serves as the EHS Office Lead Contact / Environmental Management Program (EMP) representative for the Chemistry Department.  He can be reached by phone at 617-253-0344.

For Emergency Assistance

For emergency assistance in the event of a fire, serious injury, major chemical spill or urgent police matter:

  • Call extension 100 (from a campus phone) or 617-253-1212
  • Call 2-EHSS or 617-452-3477 during daytime hours for access to the Environmental Health and Safety Office
  • The MIT Facilities 24-hour emergency number is 617-253-4948
  • For more information, please visit the School of Science’s Emergency page

The Department of Chemistry Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Committee


Safety Notes and Bulletins

Please click here to view the Department of Chemistry’s Safety Notes and Bulletins.


Prescription Safety Glasses