Undergraduate Achievements Celebrated at 2024 Recognition Banquet

Categories: Awards, Students

This annual event, held on May 15, 2024, honored the accomplishments of the graduating Class of 2024 and other undergraduate students.

On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, the Undergraduate Recognition Banquet was held in the R&D Common Area of the Stata Center. Chemistry faculty, staff, and students gathered to celebrate the Course 5 and Course 5-7 graduating class of 2024 and their achievements, in addition to those of other members of the undergraduate community.

Over the course of the event, each graduating senior was recognized for their achievements by a member of the Chemistry faculty, and undergraduate and senior awards were presented.

At the evening’s conclusion, the members of the Class of 2024 were among the first to receive this year’s departmental gift – a limited edition Department of Chemistry belt bag.

Congratulations to all award recipients, and to the Senior Class of 2024!

First-Year Chemistry Achievement Award
For outstanding academic achievement in chemistry
Anna Liu

Sophomore Achievement Award
For outstanding achievement in academics, research, and service to the Department of Chemistry
Tobi Hendon

Royal Society of Chemistry Certificate of Undergraduate Excellence
For exceptional dedication, performance, and engagement in coursework and research.
Josh Lian
Leon Wang

 Outstanding UROP Presentation Award
For outstanding undergraduate research and in recognition of the best presentation at the 2023 Chemistry UROP Symposium
Shih-Peng Huang

Alpha Chi Sigma Award
For outstanding achievement in scholarship, research, and service to the Department of Chemistry
Ana Florescu-Ciobotaru
Mudita Goyal
Shicheng Hu

Research Award
For outstanding contributions in the area of research
Katherine Duan
Henry Hardart
Jaden Luo
Jessica Mann
Emma Martin
Achilleus Savvidis

Academic Achievement Awrd
For outstanding scholarship
Heng Jui Chang
Katherine Duan
Isabela Fuentes
Henry Hardart
Christina Kim
Jessica Mann
Emma Martin
Ananthan Sadagopan
Achilleus Savvidis
Daniel Sharygin
Cholapat (Turbo) Varongchayakul

Service Award
For significant contributions in the area of service to the Department of Chemistry
Ygor Moura
Karla Ravin

ACS Organic Chemistry Award
For excellence in Organic Chemistry
Cholapat (Turbo) Varongchayakul

ACS Inorganic Chemistry Award
For excellence in Inorganic Chemistry
Karla Ravin

Phi Beta Kappa 2024 Inductees
Heng Jui Chang
Katherine Duan
Ana Florescu-Ciobotaru
Isabela Fuentes
Mudita Goyal
Henry Hardart
Shicheng Hu
Christina Kim
Jessica Mann
Emma Martin
Achilleus Savvidis
Daniel Sharygin