Useful VNMR Commands and Parameters

The following list of VNMR commands and parameters is intended solely as a quick reference and is by no means intended as comprehensive.  Equivalent Bruker commands and parameters are shown in parenthesis and examples are given when appropriate.

  • su (ii)    Setup the system hardware to match the current parameters.  Does not start the acquisition.
  • acqi (bsmsdisp)    Opens the acquisition interface window for interactive locking and shimming.
  • ds    Diplay spectrum in the Graphics Window
  • dps    Display pulse sequence in the Graphics Window
  • dg     Display the ‘group’ processing/ acquisition parameters
  • flip   Switches the Graphics Window or the Text Window to the front of the screen
  • rt (re)    Retrieve FID’s from a file into the current experiment  Example:  rt(‘/directory/mydatafile’)
  • svf (wr)    Saves current parameters, text, and FID in the current experiment to a file.  By default svf will prompt you for a filename or you may add the filename and / or path.  Example:  svf(‘/directory/mydatafile’)
  • rtp (rj)    Retrieves parameters from a file or FID into the current experiment.  By default rtp will prompt you for a filename or you may add the filename and/ or path.  Example:  rtp(‘/directory/mydatafile’)
  • svp (wj)    Saves parameters from the current experimentat to a file.  By default svp will prompt you for a filename or you may add the filename and/ or path.  Example:  svp(‘/directory/mydatafile’)
  • rts (rsh)    Retrieves a shim file and loads the shim values into the current experiment
  • svs (wsh)    Save the current shim values to a shim file.  By default you will be prompted for a filename or you may add the filename and/ or path as options.
  • e (ej)    Eject sample
  • i (ij)    Insert sample
  • tn    Changes the value of the transmitter nucleus.  Examples: tn=’H1′ or tn=’C13′ etc.  Can also be used to query the current status.  Example:  tn?
  • dn    Changes the value of the decoupler nucleus.  Examples: dn=’H1′ or dn=’C13′ etc.  Can also be used as a query.
  • tof (o1)    Controls the exact positioning of the transmitter.  As the value of tof increases the tansmitter moves to higher frequencies (moves toward the left).
  • dof (o2)    Controls the decoupler offset in the same manner as tof.
  • tpwr    Controls the transmitter power level (in dB).  Can be used as a command, i.e., tpwr=30 or as a query, i.e., tpwr?
    dpwr    Work identical to tpwr for the decoupler channel.
  • dm    Determines state of the decoupler (decoupler mode) at different times during the pulse sequence.  Typical options are ‘y’ and ‘n’.
  • pw    Transmitter pulse width in ms.  If you are recieving an ADC overflow error type pw=pw/2 ga.  Repeat as necessary.
  • at (aq)   Length of each individual FID acquisition time.
  • sw (sw)   Sets the total width of the spectrum.  To enter a value 200ppm type sw=200p.
  • np (td)    sets number of data points to be acquired.
  • fn (si)    Fourier number.
  • nt (ns)    Set the number of tranients (or scans) the instrument will perform of make up a FID.  Range is 1 to 1e9.
  • ct    Number of completed transients in the current experiment.
  • bs    Block size – determines how often the data in the current experiment is saved.
  • lb    Lorentzian line broadening
  • time (expt)  Calculate the time required for the experiment to complete based on the current parameters.
  • array    Array an experimental parameter.  Array will prompt you for the parameter to array, the number of steps, the starting point, and the step size.
  • da    Displays arrayed acquisition parameters in the Text Window.