The College of Computing working group on Computing Infrastructure is reaching out across the school to gather information on each lab, department and center’s current infrastructure and computing needs as well as their vision of future needs and opportunities. We would like to solicit your input to discuss the computing infrastructure scope and specific needs of the Department of Chemistry.
The envisioned scope of our report will include recommendations on:
– Computing resources (local clusters, shared central resources, cloud computing, …)
– Storage resources (local, central, cloud, …)
– Data management resources (policies, processes, multi-layered access, …)
– Common software tools for education and research (e.g. Matlab, Mathematica, …)
– Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation (e.g. centralized repositories, …)
– Support for scientific computing (support staff for setup and training, …)
– Interface between college of computing infrastructure and existing resources