A female faculty member smiles while seated behind a desk.
We began the Quantum Connection Initiative to provide space for those interested in quantum advancement to share ideas, collaborate, and unlock the future together.
– Danna Freedman, Professor of Chemistry
Learn more about Danna

The Story

Since the second quantum revolution, observed from 100 years ago, scientists have discovered newfound control over quantum systems, leading to advances in information science, medical imaging, communication networks, etc.

The goal of the Quantum Connection Initiative is to foster collaboration between thinkers across various academic and practical disciplines with the intention of furthering innovation in the realm of quantum discoveries. We intend to do so through:

  • Roundtable workshops and discussions on member-suggested topics
  • Providing seed funding for the pursuit of new and radical ideas
  • Establishing a real-world center where members can gather and collaborate
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Fine-tuning qubits for customizable quantum devices

– MIT Chemistry
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